Gary Terzza - voice-over artist and coach

British Voice Association Home Continuity Narration Trails & adverts Masterclass

Voice-over masterclass

Here’s a 25 second menu of programme highlights showing on the fictional channel XYZ TV.

Play the trail and read the script, trying to finish your words before the music ends, but not too early. Then listen to how Gary did it. We have included some tips to help you. Good luck!


Don’t rush. Keep your reading speed well paced

Try to lift the words from the page, by emphasising important words

Keep the tone light and conversational


“Tonight here on XYZ TV Catherine is appalled by Jake’s behaviour in our soap opera LIES AND DECEIT at 8:00.

“And it’s followed at 8:30 by the latest national and international NEWS with Patrick Davis.

“Then at 9:00 our big movie is THE RAT PACK, the infamous story of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Junior and Dean Martin.

“That’s Friday night here on XYZ.”

Well done. If you’d like to get the most out of your voice and make that all important CD demo, e-mail gary for more details about the voice-over masterclass.

Learn more about Gary’s Voice-over masterclass, including how to find jobs in the industry.